'Sohyang'에 해당되는 글 97건

  1. 2016.04.22 SoHyang to USA 1
  2. 2016.03.13 SoHyang - Mermaid
  3. 2016.03.09 SoHyang - Jesus
  4. 2016.02.16 SoHyang saying 'Happy New Year'
  5. 2016.02.13 SoHyang Super Diva Concert
  6. 2016.02.05 SoHyang - Lean On Me
  7. 2016.01.23 Open Concert broadcasting
  8. 2016.01.17 SoHyang 'In The Flower Garden'
  9. 2016.01.14 SoHyang performed at Open Concert
  10. 2016.01.07 SoHyang(POS) - Emmanuel
2016. 4. 22. 15:33 Schedule

The heavenly diva SoHyang is coming to America again.

She was invited to sing American Anthem and Korean Anthem for MLB.

May 28th, There will be a game of Texas Rangers and Pittsburgh Pirates at Globe Life Park in Arlington, Texas.
Before the game it will also have a big event 'Korean Day' and she will sing anthems before the games starts.

There will be various events and you can get a discounted tickets thru Korean association of Dallas.

She became a huge issue for singing The Star Spangled Banner at NBA for the first time as a Korean,
NBA Star, Chris Paul said her version was the best ever that he has heard.
And she's doing again for MLB.

There is no Korean singer who made that huge issue for singing Anthems.
They have made uncountable news articles about her Korean Anthem performance.
If a singer made a small issue for anthem, Sometimes SoHyang's version becomes the issue again though it's been years.
Her anthem performance was talked in the show 'Radio Star', one of the famouse korean talk show.
She didn't appear at the show, they just talked about her while they were talking about other singer's performance.
And Her performance was also parodied by comedians in Korean famous comedy show, too.

She has the most viewed youtube video of Anthem of Korea for almost 1 mil.
If you put together those clips by other uploaders, it's about 2 mils.
Her videos of 'The Star Spangled Banner' are similar too.

Actually, I think she makes issues whatever she sings.
I'm really really hoping she will perform at Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic 2018 to represent Koreans singers.

'Schedule' 카테고리의 다른 글

SoHyang to perform at DMC Festival  (0) 2016.09.10
New big performance to come!!!!!!  (0) 2016.06.30
SoHyang Super Diva Concert  (0) 2016.02.13
Open Concert broadcasting  (0) 2016.01.23
SoHyang to perform at KBS Special Live 2016  (0) 2015.12.24
posted by Sohyang&Pos
2016. 3. 13. 23:23 Media

in 2011, SoHyang participated in 'DIVA Project', she sang 'Mermaid' with Lena Park and Lee Yeong-Hyun.
She arrived at the studio first and finished her part just within 2 hours and made producers and staffs very surprised.
Before the full song was revealed, they showed some teaser videos and it became a huge issue.
3 talented female singers of Korea sing together and I think it was like 3 Divas, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and Celine dion to people.
Especially SoHyang's teaser video surprised people by her super belting.

This song has several versions including the final version of 3 divas' voices and individual versions of each singer.
And SoHyang's version was the most popular among 3 solo versions but As I know on, she participated in the project for free.
(Yes, she was already known well before appearing at I Am A singer)

She hasn't performed that song at all, but just sang accapella shortly during one interview.
She was asked to sing the song, and she sang the chorus part shortly still sitting on the chair.

She talked about the song like this

"I sang the song with these outstanding singers and I'm just grateful to sing with them.
I had thought sometime I would like to sing with them once and a good chance came..
The producer who made an idea contacted me so... with pleasure I was like 'yes really good'
and I feel good to sing this good song."

'Media' 카테고리의 다른 글

SoHyang - I Will Always Love You @ Super Diva Concert  (0) 2016.03.31
SoHyang - The Day When Sunshine Kissed Me @ Super Diva Concert  (0) 2016.03.29
SoHyang - Jesus  (0) 2016.03.09
SoHyang 'In The Flower Garden'  (0) 2016.01.17
SoHyang(POS) - Emmanuel  (0) 2016.01.07
posted by Sohyang&Pos
2016. 3. 9. 01:23 Media

One of my favorite tracks of her original songs is Jesus.
It was composed and written by herself and her husband Zion.
It had been revealed in her concert and then it was released in her 15th anniversary album.
She recorded the song in two versions, one is English and another is Korean.

I saw her performing this song live only once.

She was like 'This is Christmas when we celebrate for Jesus, so I wanted to do this song.
This song is Jesus. and We POS wrote this song. It's black gospel feeling.
Do you know what black gospel is? I really love this genre.
Imagine that you're in Brooklyn, New York or Harlem..
I'm gonna sing crazy.
Are you in Brooklyn? Are you in Harlem??'

Then she started to headbang to the music and the performance was sooooooo good.
I was very surprised.
I was like 'Oh my God! I have to record this!!!' so I started to record this video but
She was moving so much on the stage so I gave up soon.
It's only short clip.

I tried to find another way
I thought it would be faster way
But it's so wrong now i realized
There's no other way(x2)

I wondered when the stars go down or
where am i gonna be forever and I 
I realized
There's no othere truth(x2)

He had created, He put the light in darkness
He had changed, He sent the light to the world
in my darkness, He became the light for me
Now i do know, He reigns forevermore

Jesus! Son of God
Jesus! One and Only
Jesus! Righteousness of God
He is the way to

Salvation! He's the one
Eternal life! yes He's the one
Kingdom! of God 
He is Jesus!


Everybody say Jesus!
Let the people say Jesus!

'Media' 카테고리의 다른 글

SoHyang - The Day When Sunshine Kissed Me @ Super Diva Concert  (0) 2016.03.29
SoHyang - Mermaid  (0) 2016.03.13
SoHyang 'In The Flower Garden'  (0) 2016.01.17
SoHyang(POS) - Emmanuel  (0) 2016.01.07
SoHyang - New Arirang  (0) 2016.01.03
posted by Sohyang&Pos
2016. 2. 16. 20:59 Story

Last Sunday, SoHyang performed at Danny Jung's concert in Yeoido, Seoul.
Danny Jung is very famous saxophonist and they are very close.
He also performed at her first Christmas concert.

He asked her to perform 'I Will Always Love You' (by Whitney Houston) together. so they did really.
They raised the key higher and she performed this song for the first time.
It was perfect and powerful with her belting and she seemed satisfied and said she wants to perform this song again.

Then she performed 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' alone then 'Lean On Me' with Danny Jung again.
Lean On Me was different with his saxophone. He played first lines instead of her vocal.
He seemed so happy to perform with her, so, during the performance on the stage, he took his phone and recorded her singing.

She also said she's writing her books and it will be released as digital book.

After the show, she kindly made a video for her fans.

She said.
"Hello, POS Family!!
2016 New Year has begun, Two months already passed, How could it be on earth.
But we are living with hearts of the youth so I'm still a teenager in front of you.. saying this, somebody may talk for that,
However I'm a teenager in my heart so I'm always living my life with my dreams.
Because You guys like me, you visit here (her fanclub) and support POS and pray for me..
But I want you to go out for your dreams and spread your shining wings to the world 

and become much greater people than me
So I can join your fanclub in time. then I would be grateful.
I love you guys so much and thank you so much for praying for me so far.
Always be peaceful and happy. I love you!!!"

'Story' 카테고리의 다른 글

SoHyang sang 'Childish Adult'  (2) 2016.07.05
SoHyang Super Diva Concert  (0) 2016.03.27
SoHyang - Lean On Me  (0) 2016.02.05
SoHyang Immortal Songs  (0) 2015.12.09
Backstory of 'The Only One' of SoHyang  (0) 2015.06.27
posted by Sohyang&Pos
2016. 2. 13. 13:41 Schedule

SoHyang will have a concert with JeokWoo.
JeokWoo was also a performer of I Am A Singer1.

19:30. 25th. March. 2016
JungShimHwa Hall, DaeJeon City.
Ticket 9,9000 won/ 88,000 won/ 77,000 won/ 66,000 won

SoHyang perfomed at JeokWoo's concert in 2013
JeokWoo introduced SoHyang saying SoHyang is really lovely and really beautiful and
She was the queen of I Am A Singer2 and she is the beautiful God-given voice.

SoHyang said they appeared at Open Concert together
and SoHyang heard JeokWoo's rehearsal and was surprised because she sang really good.
So she went to her and got her numbers saying she became her fan.

When she sang her first song 'Fate' people shouted encore to her
then she performed 'The Day When Sunshine Kissed Me'.

Now they are doing a show together.

'Schedule' 카테고리의 다른 글

New big performance to come!!!!!!  (0) 2016.06.30
SoHyang to USA  (1) 2016.04.22
Open Concert broadcasting  (0) 2016.01.23
SoHyang to perform at KBS Special Live 2016  (0) 2015.12.24
SoHyang to Immortal Songs again  (0) 2015.11.22
posted by Sohyang&Pos
2016. 2. 5. 00:56 Story

No one can deny that SoHyang was the biggest issue of I Am A Singer2.
When she became the issue of IAAS2, the producer of Immortal Singer said they also had kept seeing her to invite to their show for long time.
This interview was in July, 2012, and SoHyang appeared at Immortal Song for the first time in Sep, 2014.
They took at least 2 years to have her in their show.
(IAAS team also took so long time..)

Thankfully, I could get a ticket of the show when she appeared for the first time.
It was about legendary Michael Bolton and they invited talented singers for the show.
Michael Bolton, SoHyang.. it was a huge issue even before the show day.

Anyway, when the show started, I was a little overwhelmed. I didn't watch the show before, so everything was kinda new to me.
Every singer did a wonderful job. But the show was going difficult for me.
SoHyang still didn't come out when the score of the show became so high.
I was kinda nervous. and people started to feel exhausted by long time recording.
It was a special episode, so too many people came, and they even sit down on all the stairs.
So It was difficult to even go to restroom. They all had to see the show in crowded place and SoHyang became the final singer.
I could feel so many people already got tired and I was tired, too.

Finally, SoHyang came out with her bright vibe as always.
Wearing long dress with a lot of crystals on it.
Yep...I shouted to her at the top of my lungs to cheer her up.
She also might feel tired a little to wait for long time at her first appearance.

But, when she raised her voice, everybody held their breath to focus on her.

I often say it to people, I still feel like I'm dreaming when I think about that night.
Her voice was so angelic. and when the beat started to go faster, everybody started to clap to the music.
When she belted the high note, people shouted for excitement. I had never expected that much.
It was beyond my imagination. I had seen her performances in person so many times, but it was still totally shocking to me.
After she finished the song with last belting, so many people got up for her.
Michael Bolton did, too.
People didn't stop shouting to her, so she couldn't get out of the stage.
When Bolton was asked about her performance, he was speechless and then he said she was virtuoso.

Everybody could see she would become the final winner of the show.
in the TV, other singers and MCs talked about what score she would get, and Ailee expected the perfect score.
Audiences did, too. People were talking like that. I was soooooo happy and I was shocked kinda too much, so I even felt stomachache,
Surely it was one of the bestest performances by human being.

Later, SoHyang wrote a thanks note to her fans.
She said everything was done by God. and she will keep going and challenging for her dreams.
She also said she was impressed by other singers and she was so proud of them.

Since then, I could see the performance twice more.
I don't understand how she sings this song more easily now.
I hope to see her performing this song in the big show soon again.  

'Story' 카테고리의 다른 글

SoHyang Super Diva Concert  (0) 2016.03.27
SoHyang saying 'Happy New Year'  (0) 2016.02.16
SoHyang Immortal Songs  (0) 2015.12.09
Backstory of 'The Only One' of SoHyang  (0) 2015.06.27
SoHyang - Bridge Over Troubled Water!  (0) 2015.05.09
posted by Sohyang&Pos
2016. 1. 23. 16:56 Schedule

Tomorrow(24th), you can watch the Open Concert
Korea Time 18:00
Channel KBS1

SoHyang sang Power Of Love & Beauty and the Beast(duet with Jung Dong-Ha)
You can watch the show online
http://kbs.co.kr  ->  On Air  ->  KBS1

'Schedule' 카테고리의 다른 글

SoHyang to USA  (1) 2016.04.22
SoHyang Super Diva Concert  (0) 2016.02.13
SoHyang to perform at KBS Special Live 2016  (0) 2015.12.24
SoHyang to Immortal Songs again  (0) 2015.11.22
'In The Flower Garden' release date  (0) 2015.08.19
posted by Sohyang&Pos
2016. 1. 17. 21:32 Media

Yesterday, There was a wedding ceremony of korean star couple, JeongWoo & Kim Yumi.
It was very private and simple and they did it in one church in Seoul.
They are actors and JeongWoo became very popular for his TV drama 'Answer 1994'.
They invited only two celebrities and SoHyang was one of them.
Only SoHyang and Yang Dong-Geun were invited and SoHyang sang 'In The Flower Garden' for them.

In The Flower Garden(꽃밭에서) was her second song of I Am A Singer and it surprised many people.
She was known for her incredible high belting but she changed her style and did new popera ad-lib on the song.
So people could discover her different side which is more classical and light.
Her old fans already knew she had very beautiful head voice, but the public didn't know.
Though it wasn't #1 of the episode, so many people loved and she also loved the song.
She reduced her high belting(but it's still high to normal people) instead, she used her angelic headvoice which is very rounded and resonant.
One of her fans recommended the song via her official fanclub Pos Family.

Actually many people were worried that she would become #1 again and leave the show as one of final 7 challenger for a while

because she didn't appear at public TV shows, and they knew it's hard to get a chance to see her singing in TV, 

so they wanted her to stay in the show a little more. 

The producers had taken really long time to invite her. In fact, they wanted her to their show from season 1.
So people were happy that she didn't win the episode and leave the show so quickly.

Later, Sumi Jo, the top opera soprano of Korea, recorded this song with SoHyang and this track is included in her pop album.

'Media' 카테고리의 다른 글

SoHyang - Mermaid  (0) 2016.03.13
SoHyang - Jesus  (0) 2016.03.09
SoHyang(POS) - Emmanuel  (0) 2016.01.07
SoHyang - New Arirang  (0) 2016.01.03
SoHyang's New Appearance of Immortal Songs2  (0) 2015.12.26
posted by Sohyang&Pos
2016. 1. 14. 00:09 News

Yesterday, SoHyang performed at KBS Open Concert and it was first recording of the show in 2016.
She came out in braided hair and blue long slit dress with unique flower patterns, and she reminded me of Elsa of Frozen.

She sang 'Power Of Love' then she performed with Jung Dong-ha together.
They sang 'Beauty and The Beast' which she performed with Park Wan-Kyu at I Am A Singer2 Special Stage 

but this version was different version.

Jung Dong-Ha who is very close with SoHyang had said he wanted to do a collaboration with her in his interview.
He said

'I also want to work with SoHyang nuna*, In fact, she is scary a little.. Isn't she too good? She's not like a human.'

*Nuna means older sister in Korean and when it's used for non-family member, it's very friendly expression.

SoHyang also visited his showcase before.
Anyway, His dream came true yesterday.

I don't know when it will broadcast yet.
They usually let people know about the date before the show starts, but they didn't yesterday.

'News' 카테고리의 다른 글

SoHyang - We Believe  (0) 2016.05.24
New Song is to be revealed next week  (0) 2016.05.21
SoHyang @ Immortal Songs  (0) 2015.12.25
'This Shall Too Pass' by SoHyang was released  (2) 2015.11.27
SoHyang & Lim JaeBum  (0) 2015.10.28
posted by Sohyang&Pos
2016. 1. 7. 13:36 Media

One of SoHyang's english track is Emmanuel which is included in POS 5th album 'Story'.
They made two different song with the same theme and music but they have different melody.
One is Emmanuel and another one is 내 하나님(My God) which is Korean version and used to be called 'Psalm 139'.
She sings the Korean version a lot, but she has performed Emmanuel just twice.

The songs were inspired from Palms 139 that she used to talk about in some church concerts before.
The songs are featured by oriental instruments.

This is the only performance of Emmanuel that you can find at youtube.
She sang this song even before they revealed the studio version of the song.

But she sang this song in The States, too.
in 2008, she performed this song in front of about 20 thousands people in Brooklyn Tabernacle Church in New York 
whose choir won 6 grammy awards.
The church is very famous for its gospel choir.
People doubted at first but they really loved her and a lot of American music producers who came there were very impressed, too.

(People giving her standing ovation for her performance in Brooklyn Tabernacle Chruch in 2008)

It was first time for them to invite an Asian singer for concert.
It was not usual that 6 times grammy winning church invited an asian singer and they made standing ovations.

She also said it was one of her most rememberable performance.
But the video was NEVER revealed.

Next year, they included the song in their 5th studio album 'Story'.
Its studio version has reduced high belting but it's still strong.

In years, in 2014, She performed 'Upon This Rock' at the church again and you can watch the video.
It was not a concert but a Sunday worship service, but they still gave her standing ovations.

'Media' 카테고리의 다른 글

SoHyang - Jesus  (0) 2016.03.09
SoHyang 'In The Flower Garden'  (0) 2016.01.17
SoHyang - New Arirang  (0) 2016.01.03
SoHyang's New Appearance of Immortal Songs2  (0) 2015.12.26
SoHyang - The Day When Sunshine Kissed Me  (0) 2015.12.21
posted by Sohyang&Pos