There was a showcase of the project 'United Korea' album and SoHyang appeared.
(Soprano Shin Yeong-Ok and Park WanKyu also came)
She performed her new song 'We Believe' and then had a Q&A time with reporters(there were soooooo many reporters)
and also had phototime.
Her song 'We Believe' is a ballad song that starts with her warm and mid-low voice but it goes really really high in chorus part
and those high notes are like endless.. nevertheless she sang it live perfectly.
She is very close with Ko HyungWon who produced this project and they have talked about Reunion of Koreas for long time, so she attended in the project. and she also said she thinks they can comfort people in North Korea by music and she wishes someday they can have a concert in North Korea together.
Ko HyungWon has made songs for her like 'Until The Lord Comes Back(주님 다시 오실 때까지)', 'Maranatha(마라나타)',
'Eternal Friend(영원한 친구)', 'The Hope Of The Nations(열방의 소망)' and 'Shelter(피난처)'.
I think he trusts her ability and makes those very difficult songs for her... (Actually other produces do too lol)
The lyrics is like
"We believe that new day is coming to this land.
That day when the people in white clothes will sing together under the blue sky.
We believe the day when this lands become one.
Brothers of North and South sweat and open a way to tomorrow together.
Oh We believe that new world will open before us when we open our hearts to one another.
In korean peninsula that suffered that long time,
The beautiful sky that we dreamed of so much will open."
Now she is coming to The States to sing American Anthem and Korean Anthem for MLB.
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